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No forms, No complicated techniques, No abstract theory.

The Attacker Moves First, I Arrive First

-From The Tai Chi Classics In this program, you will get the secrets of how Tai Chi fights! One of those secrets is how to fight so that you arrive first every time with overwhelming power and speed! The way to do this is hidden in plain sight in the Tai Chi forms!

However, unless you already know how the fighting strategy is used, it is nearly impossible to understand how it works even when you see it.

But once you see the explanation & demonstration of how Tai Chi fights, you will really get the method. You will fully understand it THE FIRST TIME you see it! And it is so powerful that you will NEVER forget it!

You Will Never See Tai Chi The Same Way Again!

Not only do you arrive first, but you do it with devastating power in each and every touch!

So, What Are You Going To Get?

It's been said Tai Chi Chuan is an art too vast for any one person to learn all of it in their lifetime...

But that is for every version of the entire art at the most advanced levels and it does not mean you can't fight with Tai Chi -or that it will take your entire life to learn how.

Tai Chi first became famous because of its fighting prowess.

The fighting part of the art was trained from the very beginning of one's study of the art, and in fact it was how I began my serious studies of the art. Unfortunately, most folks studying Tai Chi do not have a clue about how to fight with it!

As a result, in the Tai Chi community there are a lot of disagreements and the words, "that's not Tai Chi" get thrown around a lot. This is mostly by people who are speculating at best (because they just don't know any better)...

...and sometimes by folks who exclusively promote a specific style or method (Chen, Yang Etc)

They tend to act like their way is the only real way, as if somehow they have the exclusive truth and everyone else is wrong.

The truth of the matter is more complex–

For example- (Uncle) Yang Ban-Hou and (Nephew) Yang Shou-Hou were both taught the Yang family style, and Shou-Hou even learned directly from his uncle for many years.

In spite of that, the Ban-Hou fighting method and the Shou-Hou fighting method are so visually and tactically different that they might appear to be two completely different arts!

The skillsets of Tai Chi Chuan are so vast that many different fighting methods have been derived from those skills.

Why is that important? Because in this program, You're going to get: TWO different methods of Tai Chi Fighting!

The Wave of Internal Power & Water Fighting Method of Tai Chi

Including, SAFE & FUN ways to practice! And I'm NOT talking about some boxing program repackaged as "Tai Chi Fighting" Tai Chi fighting looks like Tai Chi. It doesn't look like Boxing or Kick-Boxing, and it doesn't look like wrestling or MMA.

Even though different personal preferences, Jins, personalities & body types, etc. have led to a variety of different fighting methods...

There is NO MISTAKING IT when you see real Tai Chi Chuan.

What the methods all have in common (different as they are) is that they are all actually Tai Chi Chuan!

A REAL Tai Chi Fighting Method will not violate even ONE Tai Chi principle, and it will deliver on ALL the promises of the Tai Chi Classics. When Tai Chi Chuan is fighting, it LOOKS and MOVES like Tai Chi Chuan!

Now, like I said, there are different Tai Chi fighting methods and some are pretty radically different.

It MIGHT not look exactly like what you have been led to expect... But when the body qualities, movements, techniques, and most importantly the PRINCIPLES are correct, then it's correct!

If you're not used to seeing Tai Chi in action, you'll be in for a bit of a surprise.

But in no time at all you will see how all of the moves and applications flow NATURALLY out of the fighting method (whichever one you happen to be using).

That's how it's supposed to be, because in a real attack you won't have time to think about your awesome applications. Techniques fail in a fight, but the PRINCIPLES can save your life.

And yet techniques are all most people in Tai Chi Chuan ever practice, because they were never taught – in most cases they never even SAW – a true Tai Chi fighting method at any point in their training.

In his monumental Tai Chi Fighting program, Richard Clear is going to change the way the world thinks about Tai Chi Chuan.

Clear Tai Chi Fighting Skills Include:

  • The Tai Chi Fighting Mindset
  • The Wave of Internal Power
  • Internal Power IN ACTION! Used for real self-defense
  • Body Waving & Body Waving Applications
  • ​Tai Chi Chuan Timing & Positioning Work
  • ​Defensive & Offensive Tai Chi Skills (yes, Tai Chi has an Offense...)
  • ​The Water Fighting Method of Tai Chi
  • ​Tai Chi Body Skills Used For Fighting
  • The fighting secrets hidden in the Tai Chi Moves

But that's just the tip of the iceberg!

In this program you will also get:

Tai Chi Chuan Skills

  • Attacking Skills
  • Arm & Body Waving Applications
  • Striking with Waving
  • Poison Hand
  • Kicking with Waving
  • Training Neutralizing & Iron Body

Movement Skills

  • Arm Waving
  • Body Waving
  • Slipping Through Narrow Spaces
  • Drunken Sailor
  • Spinal Waving
  • Pouring With Wave Action

Internal Skills

  • Water Fighting Method of Tai Chi
  • You get ALL THIS and MORE!
  • But let's not focus on small pieces-
  • What's the BIG PICTURE?

The most important thing is that:

At the end of this program, you will get real fighting ability with Tai Chi Chuan!

There are videos on the internet where you can see alleged "Tai Chi Masters" get beaten by mid-tier MMA fighters who are just fishing to make a name for themselves...

There are a lot of varied opinions going around about what happened, or why they lost, or what that means for Tai Chi...

But the truth of the matter is- It doesn't matter what kind of skills these guys have. If you don't know how to really fight with Tai Chi - your skills will fail you. Unless you know how to deal with the SPEED and INTENSITY of your attacker- you will be overwhelmed.

If you can't control the fighting space- they will control it for you.

Somewhere along the way, people forgot about that. They thought they could distance themselves from having to train the essentials by developing all of these slick internal power tricks without knowing how to fight.

But they didn't understand the purpose of Tai Chi from the beginning...

What's the ONE THING you're going to get that will change everything? You're going to get DEEP exposure to the reality of how fights work.

Yes, I'm going to show you Internal Power skills- And yes, I'm going to show you how the Tai Chi moves can be used to attack, defend, or counter.

But the number one thing I'm going to give you is a clear ability to fight with Tai Chi Chuan!

Before the end of this program- you will be a different person.

This is going to change how you see the art from now on- And how you see its practitioners.

You will know who can fight with Tai Chi, and who can not.

And they might not know what you can do- but they'll see you have it. They'll see it in every move of the set, and every time you do something. And they might not know what it is- but they'll know that they're missing something.

Because this knowledge changes EVERYTHING.

Are You Ready For That Kind of Transformation?

See What OTHERS are saying!

I really appreciate your insights and all the so called secrets of the true taichi chuan internal martial arts aspects that you are preaching to the world. I am in your debt after 45 years studying Yang and Wu style of taichi chuan.
-William Wu

Truly impressed with your material. It has, I believe given me the key to open a black box I have had for 30 years
-Brian Scott

Sigung Clear is an excellent instructor and a very talented martial artist. I would recommend his seminars wholeheartedly. You will not find a better explanation of the internal martial arts and its benefits.
-Steven M. Aldus US Martial Arts Hall of Fame – Hall of Heroes Inductee (2017)

In one five day seminar I made more advancements in internal power than I had made in the last twenty years.
-Ty Talbert Owner and Founder of Colton Tai Chi

Thank God for your program! In Costa Rica 9 guys attacked me... This knowledge saved my life.
-Michael Kluzinski

This program is an amazingly smart approach in how to defend yourself, both physically and legally, before during and after an attack.
-H. Stratton Smith III, Attorney-At-Law

I have been able to understand, learn, and perform much more from your programs in just 2 years than in my previous 30 plus years of practicing martial arts. Thank you for your instruction, Master Clear.
-George O'Masta

You can bring a person from zero capability to an assured capability to defend and survive an attack. I’ve used Richard’s training in real situations, and it is absolutely the technique I will use if ever threatened again. It is simply the only system I’ve ever seen that actually works.
-LTC(R) Robert R. Leonhard Ph.D.Analyst, Strategic AssessmentsNational Security Analysis Department

When I had to use this program on the street one day it worked just like you taught us. I would definitely recommend your program to busy executives who would like to develop the absolute ability to defend themselves.
-Benjamin T. Wacksman WP Commercial Inc.   County Commissioner at Hillsborough County, Tampa, FL