Last week a reader asked:
“Can I do this if I don’t believe it?”
First, if you don’t believe you can accomplish a goal, you probably wont.
…but there are two kinds of belief.
And you only need one of them. (either one can work.)
Some people accomplish their goals simply because they have faith. Sometimes they don’t realize what they’re doing is supposed to be impossible or they simple don’t care.
This type of belief can have it’s drawbacks but it has worked very effectively for many people and it’s essential if you’re doing something that has never been done before.
The second type is belief based on experience or observation.
It shouldn’t be too hard to believe that you can learn to play guitar when you can go on youtube and see millions of people of all skill levels and from all different backgrounds doing just that.
There are many feats that were thought impossible until someone did it.
And once someone showed it could be done, many more followed in their footsteps.
(Look up Roger Bannister and the 4 minute mile if you’re not familiar.)
One reason our programs are so effective is because we use this second type of belief to help you succeed.
For example, in the Fa Kung energy healing course you learn to do some pretty extraordinary stuff. When people see the end result they often think it would require blind faith (or delusion.)
…but when you learn it, you start from square one and build step by step. Simple drills and exercises first and then more complex skills later.
When you go through that course, you believe in Qi because you can feel it.
You believe in your ability to manipulate energy and affect another person because you’ve done it, and you’ve felt someone do it to you. And you’ve been shown a clear path to achieving greater skill and seen examples of what can be done at a higher level with more practice.
Next month, we’ll be talking about Clear Defense. A completely different end of the spectrum from the energy healing stuff.
But just like the Fa Kung you’ll learn a bunch of skill that many folks think are impossible or that cannot be learn without decades of training.
And just like in the Fa Kung, you’ll learn step by step, one piece at time. So by the end of it you’ll understand how it works & why it works because you’ve done it.
Here’s another example from our Level 2 Tai Chi class a couple weeks ago.
The end result is something a lot of folks like to criticize, but as Sigung Clear explains it comes from some fairly basic principles.
All you have to do is study hard and practice a lot. Just like getting good at any other skill.
Here’s the video:
If you like it, please share it.
Because Youtube is the greatest thing that has happened to internal martial arts ever.
Youtube allows billions of people instant access to thousands of martial arts masters.
…and millions of other martial artists at all different levels of experience and skill.
There’s still a lot of work that needs to be done to increase the overall quality & accessibility of internal arts instruction.
We need more teachers teaching and for that we need more students working to become teachers.
And that will take time and hard work.
…but the other piece of the puzzle is inspiring people by showing them what is possible.
And for that, all you have to do is share a video. Of course we’d love it if you shared one of ours, but any video by a teacher you respect will benefit the martial arts community.