There’s an approach to doing energy work that’s very common in qigong instruction and particularly in most of the books you will find on qigong.
This will probably sound familiar.
“Imagine as if…”
People who have done internal training before they start training with Master Clear have commented that he doesn’t tend to say this as much before describing an exercise or training.
His sentence starts off differently.
He describes what you are trying to get your energy to do, and then instructs you to do that.
For instance…
Instead of “imagine as if you have tree roots that grow out of the bottoms of your feet deep into the earth,” he would say: “feel your root drop slightly past your feet.”
You might be asking what is the difference between these two approaches.
The “imagine as if” approach has some value when used as a stepping stone.
The problem is that if you primarily use imagination to build something like root you will not develop a clear perception of your ability (ie depth, width, and quality of root to a precise degree) and won’t be able to control what you are doing as effectively.
This imagination method can actually obscure what is going on, making it harder to develop high level skill.
When you use imagination to affect your energy, your mind is not on the energy… it is on what you imagine. Imagination is a middle-man (which, if you’ve ever bought straight from a dealer online, you realize can be unnecessary). You can still build some perception as to what is going on, but your focus is split between your imagination and what is actually going on.
With Sigung Clear’s method, you gain a much clearer picture of what is happening and how to control it.
So cut out the middle-man.
Instead of using imagination, tap into your actually energy and gently manipulate it with your mind. You will build a clearer perception of what you are working on and will also be able to utilize the skill in real time much more effectively.
Clear Internal Push Hands will rapidly build your ability to tap into your energy and increase your skill at manipulating it.
Later this month we’ll have details on our Internal Push Hands Instructor training and what it takes to become certified.
In the meantime, take a look at Clear Tai Chi Online course. This extensive online course will show you how to gain skill with energetics like rooting so that you can have direct control over what your doing. There is an online forum for asking questions, so you’re never left in the dark if you get stuck.
The first 14 days are only $5, so you have plenty of time to see how extensive the training content is.